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Zdenko Tomanović

Successful dismissal of a large technology sector tax case

Sector: Technology

Practice Area: Regulatory & Tax

The firm acted for multiple defendants in a high-value tax investigation concerning certain asset transfers and licenses in the cross-border technology space. The investigation, which was regulatory in nature, was also handled by the Basic and High Prosecutor’s Office due to allegations of criminal tax evasion and money laundering. Following the challenge of the various allegations of the authorities, and addressing the complex factual matrix which prompted the authorities to initiate the case, the firm successfully acted for the parties and achieved a dismissal of the investigation.  In addition to the Serbian law, the case also involved offshore jurisdictions and international taxation matters.

Successful acquittal in a major publicized trial

Sector: Infrastructure, Finance, Conglomerates

Practice Area: White-Collar, Tax

In a publicly anticipated and widely reported decision concerning a major case against the shareholder of a regional conglomerate and various connected entities, the Appeal Court in Belgrade addressing the matter which emerged from a complex privatization of infrastructure sector companies fully accepted the arguments put forward in the submitted appeals and ordered a full acquittal of our clients.

The Appeals Court overturned the highly criticized and legally flawed first instance decision, which sought to impose effectively multimillion EUR retroactive tax obligations on a criminal law plane.

The decision marks and end to 10 years of proceeding before the Prosecutor and the relevant Courts which were followed by intense media and wide-ranging political interest in the case.

The defendants were awarded full costs in the case and are seeking redress for the damages caused by the unjustified investigations and trial in various proceedings.

Praksa 2023

Advokatska kancelarija Tomanović organizuje prakse za studente master studija, za apsolvente i za studente četvrte godine osnovnih studija.

  • Prakse će biti organizovane u vremenskom periodu od 17.04.2023 do 07.07.2023.
  • Svaka praksa traje 3 (tri) radne nedelje
  • Predviđeno je da svaku praksu obavljaju po 3 (tri) praktikanta
  • Potrebno je da studenti izaberu 3 (tri) radne nedelje tokom kojih žele da obavljaju praksu a u okviru navedenog vremenskog perioda

Prakse će se obavljati u prostorijama advokatske kancelarije Tomanović, ul. Serdar Jola br.21, tokom radnog vremena kancelarije.

Praksa obuhvata aktivan rad i upoznavanje sa svim aspektima pružanja advokatskih usluga.

Prijave se podnose putem e-maila na uz CV sa prosekom ostvarenim tokom studija i to najkasnije do 10.04.2023.godine. Za termine u maju i kasnije, studenti mogu prijave podneti i po isteku ovog roka, a najkasnije do 27.04.2023. godine.

Odluke o primljenim studentima za termine koji počinju u aprilu mesecu biće saopštene 12.04.2023 godine.

Prednost imaju studenti koji do sada nisu pohađali praksu u advokatskoj kancelariji Tomanović.

Tel: 011/ 3675-086

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